Spring Reading List

I like to read books before they get turned into movies.  I have been slacking if I'm honest because for some reason all of the television shows I watch decided to have their finales... In MARCH, what the what! I have recently requested hecka books from library and have already plowed through a few.  I am posting my Spring Reading List.  I have been reading nothing but Young Adult books lately that are kinda all depressing so here is to some thrillers before they hit the big screen.

                 Image result for luckiest girl aliveImage result for missing you harlan cobenImage result for andy cohen superficialImage result for before the fall

              Image result for judd apatow sick in the headImage result for all the ugly and wonderful thingsImage result for bone box fayeImage result for lilac girls

               Image result for expecting to dieImage result for the wonderImage result for the secret of midwivesImage result for the engagements
              Image result for siracusa delia ephronImage result for the girl beforeImage result for the black book james pattersonImage result for into the water by paula hawkins

            Image result for the hate you giveImage result for allegedly a novel tiffany jacksonImage result for man explain things to meImage result for salt and the sea


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