Lights, Camera, SNATCHED!
Last night I went to see a screening of Snatched. We have all seen the promos, funny girl Schumer (Emily in movie) gets broken up with by the dad from Fresh off the Boat (Randall Park), and then goes on a trip to South America with her overprotective mom Hawn (Linda in movie). Knowing these going in, you are assuming overly cheesy and a few laughs. I was pleasantly surprised with how funny it was. Morgan from the Mindy Project was in there as Hawn's son and Schumer's brother, playing the funny weirdo for comedic relief who was actually funny. Wanda Sykes and Joan Cusack have funny bit roles too. It is nothing like Train-wreck where you may feel weird watching it with your momma, but still funny light-hearted movie that doesn't contain a superhero or a galaxy far away.
Definitely watch, might not rush out to see this weekend though!
Definitely watch, might not rush out to see this weekend though!
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