Travel into other's shoes

Its a magical world,

 Lets go exploring!

     I made this for the man friend on a map of Washington. That was our first trip together AND he is loves Calvin and Hobbs. I won't lie, I never read any of them prior to him. It is MUCH better than just Calvin peeing on whatever you dislike and stuck on your car decals that I related to it....

     I love to travel.  Really just to peek inside somebody's life for just a short while and see how another lives is really interesting.  I feel like I am definitely not alone here.  Well the last two weekends I spend them dog-sitting. 

pooped after a walk

Brady the attention loving slob

This first set is my niece and nephew pups.  They are puppies still and high energy golden/mutt mix. They are adorable but needy and I don't know how my sister in law puts up with 2 dogs (on her bed) and a husband (who is my bro and snores LOUD) and a baby... Go her.  

Peyton and Brady named after the game where Peyton and Brady played in playoffs against each other in 2013.  

See how adorable they were as puppies. Whelp, they are still cute.  The two of them are obsessed with each other and have extremely different personalities.  I am around them alot as my family is close.  My sister in law is training for her first half marathon so they run a lot.  I well am not training so they have a lot of energy when its my turn to keep em alive :)

The other gem baby is the family that I started to nanny back in 2010.  They had 3 kids then and a dog.  They are up to 5 kids and still have the dog but he is getting very old now.  He is needy also but needy like, I need help getting off the couch, or get me my medicine. He is not a "pet me! pet me! pet me now!!!" needy like P&B  

Lil Guiness taking his pills for anxiety that used to have him pooping everywhere when family was gone.  He is an ugly dog who likes to snore, get under the covers with you, and fart terribly so.

Okay, that is kinda cute though.  Well I got paid two weekends in a row for watching dogs and getting a glimspe into 2 other family's lives.  I was able to explore new restaurants and parks and see if I liked whatever was in their fridge risk free (Guinness's family has food that is well not my normal, and apparently I like gouda cheese!).

Hopefully, I can have one more BIG adventure before summer is over.  I am paying bills this morning and thinking of wishful ways I could be spending my money instead.  What  a wonderful world we live in and even stepping into somebody else's life in same town can be an exploration if you allow.  Be open to something new today!


  1. Gouda cheese is one of my faves. I also love local explorations (#EmbraceMO). You should do a run down of the restaurants + parks you recently discovered & enjoyed. ;)

    1. Lol I did go to 4 parks I've never been to just this weekend when living the life of Guinness's family. #embracemo


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